5 Home Remedies for Dark Circles and Bags under Eyes

Both men and women experience under-eye dark circles and bags. These are not dangerous, but they affect the appearance and if you want to get rid of them naturally, know the best remedies to remove dark circles and bags.
Perhaps there is nothing unpleasant than the terrible dark circles or bags under the eyes. All of us experienced this scary condition at least once in our lives. Many people suffer from the dreaded eye bags at the most inconvenient moment. Most try to conceal them with makeup while others simply depend on their luck and try to spend the day with the highest possible dignity. However, there are many other options when it comes to reducing unwanted dark circles or eye bags that you may not know.

5 Home Remedies for Dark Circles and Bags under Eyes

In fact, there are certain home remedies that can help you to reduce the appearance of under-eye dark circles and bags, but they will not eliminate them completely. Therefore, if you have health problems, it is important that you talk to your doctor.

The most common causes of dark circles

Before talking about the remedies against dark circles, it is important that you know what causes them. This way you can be more aware of the habits you must change to have a more beautiful face.

Dark circles appear under our eyes due to various factors, from hereditary to thickened blood vessels and hormonal problems, although it is usually associated with lack of sleep. However, there may be many other things which also may trigger the condition, such as excessive smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, too much salt intake, pollution, aging, and allergies.

Remedies against dark circles

The most important thing to eliminate dark circles is to perform small massages in the area and sleep enough hours.

But there are also some natural remedies that can help if you carry them out every day.
All are natural and have an effect that, although not immediate, is very effective when applied in a disciplined way. Just take notes!

1. Cucumber

Many people will be familiar with the calming effects of cucumber or at least with its use in beauty treatments. Cucumber works like a natural astringent that helps contract the blood vessels located under our eyes.

The best way to use cucumbers to reduce dark circles is to cut them into slices and put them over the eyes for about 5-10 minutes.

2. Potato

Although it may seem crazy, Potato is one of the best remedies to remove dark circles. Potato starch has anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce the swelling of your eyes and eliminates pigmentation.

Just peel a potato and cut a couple of thick slices, put them on your eyelids and let them to act 20 minutes.

3. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel can reduce your dark circles gradually if you apply it consistently.

Take one aloe vera and remove some of its gel, then apply it to the area where the dark circles are and perform a gentle massage.

4. Tea Bags

Tea bags may be more useful than we think. The anti-inflammatory components that we can find in green tea and black tea, especially, are the perfect remedy if we want to reduce our dark circles.

The application of this remedy is simple; immerse the sachets in boiling water for a minute so that the tea releases its components. Then store the bags in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to let them cool. Once cold, place the bags directly over the eyes for 10 minutes twice a day to notice the result.

5. Cold milk

Milk contains lactic acid, which helps to soften and moisturize the skin under the eyes. In addition, it contains proteins, amino acids and antioxidants that repair damaged skin.

To apply it, soak two cotton balls in cold milk that has been in the refrigerator.

Place the cotton balls under your eyes and keep them there until they get warm. Repeat the procedure three or four times for best results.

Apply these remedies regularly and you will notice how under-eye dark circles and bags are reduced gradually.

5 Home Remedies for Toothache

Some natural remedies have been used since ancient times as supplements to calm the toothache. How effective are they? How should they be used? Here we detail it.
Toothache is a common discomfort that is described as severe, dull and throbbing pain, which can increase with certain stimuli such as cold or heat. Initially, even if it is mild, it should be checked by a dentist, as it may be associated with certain oral diseases.

In fact, the first line of treatment of this condition includes analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs and, in case of infection, antibiotics. Also, depending on their cause, the professional may suggest other types of interventions such as a root canal.

Now, there are a number of natural remedies that have been used to promote relief of this symptom while seeking professional help. Many have even been used as adjuvants in cases that are not very serious.

5 Home Remedies for Toothache

Natural remedies to soothe toothache

1. Clove

Clove is perhaps the most used natural remedy for toothache and its smell is usually associated with the dentist's office, since its essential oil, eugenol, is used in the formulation of the material used to fill the tooth. This is because a few years ago it was discovered that clove oil has excellent bactericidal and analgesic properties that help relieve toothache.

For this reason cloves are an excellent option to relieve pain at home, especially because it is relatively easy to find and a cheap option. The technique is quite simple, just lightly crush a clove and place it next to the sore tooth.

Alternatively clove essential oil can also be used. Take 1 drop of essential oil on a small piece of cotton and place it next to the tooth. However, the cotton should not be left for more than 2 minutes, since the essential oil can cause burning in the gums if used for a long time.

2. Garlic

Garlic is another of the most used options and, although it is not the most pleasant due to its intense flavor, it has several properties that help to combat pain quickly.

To use garlic you must cut a garlic clove in half and apply it with the cut part directly against the gum of the affected tooth, or place the garlic clove on the aching tooth and chew the garlic. In the end, to eliminate the smell of garlic you can brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

3. Warm salt water

Warm salt water is an excellent natural antiseptic and easy to prepare at home, and can be used when a tooth infection is suspected. For this, it is recommended to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of boiled water and then gargle with small sips for at least about 30 seconds.

This mixture is also used to combat a sore throat and is recommended by doctors as a way to complement medical treatment.

4. Mint

The essential oil gathered from mint leaves is another effective antiseptic with anti-inflammatory properties. This oil can be used to alleviate toothache. Moreover, its refreshing flavor makes it an excellent option to be used in children with more than 5 years.

To use mint correctly, it is recommended to place 1 teaspoon of mint leaves in 1 cup of boiled water, letting the infusion stand for 20 minutes. Then gargle with the solution for 30 seconds and 3 times a day.

5. Marcela tea

A good home remedy for toothache is to rinse with marcela tea and propolis, as it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties that can quickly relieve pain.

  • 2 tablespoons dried marcela leaves;
  • 30 drops of propolis extract;
  • 1 liter of water.
Preparation Mode

Place the dried marcela leaves and water in a pot and boil for approximately 5 minutes, counting from the moment the water boils. Cover the pot and wait until it is warm, strain the tea and add the propolis, mixing well.

Photo by Harry Cunningham @harry.digital from Pexels

3 Easy Tips to Enhance Bust Naturally

Do you want your breasts to look bigger? There are some exercises and diet plans that will help you to grow them naturally and without cosmetic surgery.

The Internet is full of different ways on how to increase breasts. But breast size is mainly determined by the genes and hormones of each person, followed by lifestyle and body weight.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to get a larger cup size. However, there are some actions you can do to make your breasts appear larger and firmer.

3 Easy Tips to Enhance Bust Naturally

They may not have the same effect as cosmetic surgery, but they may be an option for any woman looking for a subtle breast augmentation and not interested in having breast augmentation surgery.

How to Increase Bust Naturally

Check out these 3 tips to increase the size of your bust in a natural way. The increase may be slight, but maybe that's all you need to feel confident.

1. Exercises to Increase Bust

If you're wondering what you can do to make your breasts grow naturally, the first advice I give you is: exercise. Exercises that focus on the shoulders, back and pectorals can help to improve muscle tone under the breasts and also lift sagging breasts.

These are some of the exercises you can do to have bigger and firmer breasts, remember to practice them consistently to see better results.

- Circles with arms

The circles with the arms are made exactly as they sound. You can use hand weights, cans or a small bottle of water to add additional resistance to this exercise.
  • Extend the arms to the sides, horizontally to form a "T".
  • Keep your arms at shoulder level and slowly circle forward for 1 minute.
  • Then, make slow circles backward for 1 minute.
  • Now press your arms up and down in small, concentrated movements for 1 minute.
  • Repeat once or twice
- Wall pushups

Wall push-ups are modified versions of lizards, with which you may be familiar. Use a wall or any other vertical and stable fountain on which you can lean.
  • First, stand in front of the wall, placing the palms of the hands against the surface, approximately at chest height.
  • Slowly lower your body until your forehead almost touches the surface; keep your back straight.
  • Push up with your arms and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat it 10-15 times per series, do two to three series.
- Arm press

Arm presses are similar to arm circles. But instead of circles on the sides of your body, what you should do is to join your arms to the front, at chest height.
  • For more advanced movements, try it with hand weights or resistance bands.
  • You can start from a sitting or standing position, with your arms extended in front and your palms together.
  • Open your arms and pull them back until your back arches.
  • Rejoin the arms forward
  • Repeat the movement for about 1 minute.
- Horizontal chest press

Like the arm press, this exercise consists of moving the arms towards the front of the body, only instead of performing the movement with the extended arms they bend at the elbows, forming a U.
This is another exercise that exercises the pectoral muscles.
  • First, start with your arms in front of you, bent at 90 degree angles.
  • Keeping your arms flexed, open them as much as you can.
  • Put your arms together again.
  • Repeat the movement for at least 1 minute.
- Prayer position

Prayer posture is another exercise that exercises the pectoral muscles. It is like the press of arms, except that instead of bringing the arms forward, you pull towards the chest.
  • Extend your arms in front of your body, keep them at shoulder height.
  • Put your palms together and hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Then, with your palms together, pull towards your chest and bend your elbows to 90 degrees.
  • When you are in the prayer posture, hold it for 10 seconds.
  • Then release.
  • Repeat this movement 15 times.
The above mentioned exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home without the need to have some extra equipment.

You do not need to visit a gym. But if you want to increase the resistance, you can incorporate resistance bands or weights for small arms.

2. Foods to Increase Bust Size

Another way to increase the size of your bust is to eat the right foods. Are these foods miraculous? No. But some foods can grow your breasts.

However, keep in mind that many of these foods are high in fat. They are healthy fats, but they will make you gain some weight. And gaining weight is another way to get bigger breasts naturally .
Eating these foods helps to increase the size of the breasts, because these are mainly composed of muscle tissue and fat.

The idea is that increasing the proportion of fat in the body can also help increase the size of your bra cup.

Keep in mind, however, that you cannot choose where to gain weight. But if that is a risk you are willing to take, look at what kind of food you should concentrate on:

- Healthy Oils and Fats

The trick is to eat healthy fats and oils, but this is not a license to eat a lot of junk food.
Although these foods are still on a relatively healthy diet, they can give you extra inches in other parts of your body.

What foods can you eat to increase the bust?
  • Avocados
  • Olives
  • Walnuts
  • Seeds
  • Blue fish (Tuna, salmon, mackerel, among others)
- Soy Products

If you want your breasts to grow, you may want to incorporate soy products in your daily diet. Soy contains many phytoestrogens, this is a chemical compound that mimics the body's natural estrogen.
Why do you need this chemical to increase the bust size? Because estrogen is the hormone that causes breasts to swell when a woman is in her menstrual cycle.

You can eat the following soy products:
  • Edamame
  • Soy Beans
  • Soy milk
  • Soy meat
- Fruits and vegetables

However, increasing a bust size can not only be achieved by eating fats and oils. You still need fruits and vegetables to balance your diet. Fortunately, there are some foods that can also help you increase the size of your bust.

Focus on plants that have many phytoestrogens. Like soy products, there are some fruits and vegetables that contain the chemical that mimics the estrogenic properties. It may not be as concentrated as in soy products, but there are a few that have the chemical at lower levels.

Among the products that you should incorporate into your diet, are:
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Cherries
  • Sweet potatoes
- Herbs

Finally, add fresh herbs to your meals, as some herbs contain phytoestrogen. So it's a good idea to add them where you can.

In addition, some herbs can also help retrain healthy breast tissues. You can use them directly in your kitchen, or get them by means of supplements, if you prefer.

Some herbs that help increase breast size are:
  • Chasteberry
  • Fenugreek
  • Licorice
  • Wild yam

3. Maintain a Correct Posture

How is your posture? Correct posture can provide you with an instant elevation of the bust area.
Your mother was not wrong when she told you to stop humping when you were little.

What is the posture? 

Posture is the position that a body maintains when standing, sitting or lying down. When you have a good posture, your body is perfectly aligned to stand against gravity.

Posture is not something you think consciously, but years of having a bad posture can make you aware of whether you are hunching your shoulders or not.

A good posture can lengthen the body and give the illusion of bigger and firmer breasts.

How to correct a bad posture? 

The first thing you have to do to correct your posture is to constantly become aware of the way you are holding your body.

It won't change overnight, but with practice, you'll eventually get a good posture without thinking about it.

A Good Standing Pose 

To maintain good posture when standing, follow these steps:
  • Keep your weight evenly distributed
  • Stand on your toes
  • The knees should be slightly bent and the feet shoulder width apart.
  • Pull the shoulders back
  • Contract the abdomen
  • Keep your head level, whenever possible, with the earlobes aligned to the shoulders.

To conclusion…

You have several options if you have been wondering how to get bigger breasts naturally.
You can exercise to stimulate the muscles under the bust. This can give the illusion of a higher elevation.

Alternatively, you can also try altering your diet by incorporating additional healthy fats and oils. However, since you cannot choose where to gain weight, you run the risk of adding more inches to other parts of your body if you follow this method.

Finally, you can also see yourself with bigger and firmer breasts by correcting your posture. The hunched shoulders can hide much of the natural fullness of the bust. This, in combination with exercises or a specific diet can be all the tips you need to grow your breasts naturally.

Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels

Avoid these 4 Foods to Stop Hair Loss

The problem with food is that it can practically alter, affect or improve your body, including your hair and scalp. In some cases, certain foods could cause accelerated hair loss, or even make it a chronic problem.

Sometimes, a specific food does not cause much damage, but certain combinations, for long periods of time, could cause your hair to start to fall out.

Avoid these 4 Foods to Stop Hair Loss

1. Dairy products

Dairy products can become a BIG problem. Not only can they be very acidic for the body, they also trigger allergies and intolerances, so ideally avoid them.

In addition, dairy products on the market are almost always pasteurized, and the pasteurization process makes the natural enzyme of milk useless. It is this enzyme that allows us to digest milk, and without it our bodies have to work harder to digest it.

Moreover, dairy products also block pores and produce pasty skin. This means that the plaque of the epidermis is more likely to accumulate in the scalp, causing miniaturization of the hair follicle and thinning of the hair.

Therefore, the ideal is to consume unpasteurized dairy products or avoid them in most cases.

2. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks form a lot of acid. In addition, thanks to their large amounts of sugar, they have been associated with baldness patterns in men.

There is strong evidence that early baldness in men could be a clinical marker of insulin resistance, a condition in which insulin sensitivity is lost, resulting in excess blood sugar.

Instead of drinking carbonated drinks, I recommend drinking simple water, vegetable juices, almond milk (homemade, if possible) or tea.

3. Cereals

These foods have such high glycemic indexes that they inevitably cause blood sugar spikes, something that leads to early thinning of the hair , as I had mentioned in the previous point.

Usually, processed cereals contain a very high glycemic load because the natural fiber of the plant has been removed. Resultantly, the process would cause it to be digested and absorbed into our bodies more slowly. Because of this, the sugars go directly to the blood, causing VERY high levels of it.

4. Fatty food

Fatty foods clog the arteries and also cause oily skin on the scalp. This usually causes miniaturization of the hair follicle, restriction in blood flow and obstruction of sweat pores.

As the pores of the scalp become clogged, DHT and other harmful hormones can become trapped and reactivate the hair loss mechanism.

A good shampoo could wash the scalp fat, but ideally avoid a very fatty diet. On the other hand, healthy fats can be healthy for hair, such as: avocado, nuts and olive oil.

Courtesy: Image by Martin Slavoljubovski from Pixabay

5 Ways to Lose Weight without Starving!

After exercising, you will surely have a terrible desire to sin with a sugary carbohydrate, but if you're looking to lose weight, eating some donuts or some chips could undo all the calories you burned. But what to do with hunger?
Dieting is difficult, since you have to leave your lifestyle to adapt a healthier lifestyle. That includes healthy eating and exercise.

5 Ways to Lose Weight without Starving!

At first, the diet will not make you very happy. You will begin to be hungry, tired and angry. You will have a thousand of cravings for food that you cannot eat, and in the end, you will only manage to maintain the diet for a few weeks. To eliminate this feeling of hunger and to continue with the diet for a longer time, there are some tricks.

Next we will make you acquainted with the six ways to lose weight without starving.

1. Stick to the natural foods

Natural and whole foods, such as vegetables, fruits, beans and grains have a lot of fiber. And the fiber provides that feeling of satiety for twice as long. Soluble fiber, such as fruit and beans, encourages stomach emptying and stabilizes sugar levels, attacking hunger. Moreover, foods high in fiber also contain probiotics and those healthy bacteria that maintain a healthy and happy digestive system.

  • Tip: Try to eat 3 cups of vegetables and 3 pieces of fruits a day, along with several servings of fiber-rich foods such as sweet potatoes, beans and whole grains.

2. Burn calories by eating

Few studies show that capsaicin, a component in chili, could help speed up metabolism, reduce appetite and control weight. That means that dried and powdered chili could be an excellent tool. And capsaicin is not the only one, as green tea also offers the same benefits.

  • Tip: Exchange your cup of coffee for a cup of tea. And add some chili to foods that can complement each other, as well as soups and pasta.

3. Lower the size of your plate

A new study found that 92% of people clean their dishes, that is, they finish them and even lick them. This could be great when we talk about salads, but most do it with cookies, ice cream, pasta or cake. And you don't have to limit yourself that ugly, but you could apply certain shortcuts.

  • Tip: Serve potatoes in a bowl (instead of eating them from the bag) and use small utensils to limit your portions.

4. Change routines

Keep running as usual, but occasionally add new activities to your routine. In doing so you will be much more motivated and your body will not be able to get used so much, as to get bored.

  • Tip: Too chilly to go to jogging in the morning? It may be time to implement a new routine, but now at home. There are SO MANY varieties; you will surely find one that fascinates you.

5. Do more activity

And I don't mean to exercise, but to walk a little more, stand instead of sitting, clean your house with more dedication. All domestic activities or any movement that activates you is great for burning calories.

  • Tip: You shouldn’t rest for more than 30 minutes. Set an alarm that sounds every so often and get up from your chair to walk a little or climb stairs. You can even do some activities while watching TV.

In conclusion…

May be you have got an idea that eating less without starving is not at all impossible. To be successful, you just need to follow the above tips faithfully.

Courtesy: Photo by Robin Stickel from Pexels