5 Home Remedies for Dark Circles and Bags under Eyes

Both men and women experience under-eye dark circles and bags. These are not dangerous, but they affect the appearance and if you want to get rid of them naturally, know the best remedies to remove dark circles and bags.
Perhaps there is nothing unpleasant than the terrible dark circles or bags under the eyes. All of us experienced this scary condition at least once in our lives. Many people suffer from the dreaded eye bags at the most inconvenient moment. Most try to conceal them with makeup while others simply depend on their luck and try to spend the day with the highest possible dignity. However, there are many other options when it comes to reducing unwanted dark circles or eye bags that you may not know.

5 Home Remedies for Dark Circles and Bags under Eyes

In fact, there are certain home remedies that can help you to reduce the appearance of under-eye dark circles and bags, but they will not eliminate them completely. Therefore, if you have health problems, it is important that you talk to your doctor.

The most common causes of dark circles

Before talking about the remedies against dark circles, it is important that you know what causes them. This way you can be more aware of the habits you must change to have a more beautiful face.

Dark circles appear under our eyes due to various factors, from hereditary to thickened blood vessels and hormonal problems, although it is usually associated with lack of sleep. However, there may be many other things which also may trigger the condition, such as excessive smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, too much salt intake, pollution, aging, and allergies.

Remedies against dark circles

The most important thing to eliminate dark circles is to perform small massages in the area and sleep enough hours.

But there are also some natural remedies that can help if you carry them out every day.
All are natural and have an effect that, although not immediate, is very effective when applied in a disciplined way. Just take notes!

1. Cucumber

Many people will be familiar with the calming effects of cucumber or at least with its use in beauty treatments. Cucumber works like a natural astringent that helps contract the blood vessels located under our eyes.

The best way to use cucumbers to reduce dark circles is to cut them into slices and put them over the eyes for about 5-10 minutes.

2. Potato

Although it may seem crazy, Potato is one of the best remedies to remove dark circles. Potato starch has anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce the swelling of your eyes and eliminates pigmentation.

Just peel a potato and cut a couple of thick slices, put them on your eyelids and let them to act 20 minutes.

3. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel can reduce your dark circles gradually if you apply it consistently.

Take one aloe vera and remove some of its gel, then apply it to the area where the dark circles are and perform a gentle massage.

4. Tea Bags

Tea bags may be more useful than we think. The anti-inflammatory components that we can find in green tea and black tea, especially, are the perfect remedy if we want to reduce our dark circles.

The application of this remedy is simple; immerse the sachets in boiling water for a minute so that the tea releases its components. Then store the bags in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to let them cool. Once cold, place the bags directly over the eyes for 10 minutes twice a day to notice the result.

5. Cold milk

Milk contains lactic acid, which helps to soften and moisturize the skin under the eyes. In addition, it contains proteins, amino acids and antioxidants that repair damaged skin.

To apply it, soak two cotton balls in cold milk that has been in the refrigerator.

Place the cotton balls under your eyes and keep them there until they get warm. Repeat the procedure three or four times for best results.

Apply these remedies regularly and you will notice how under-eye dark circles and bags are reduced gradually.

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