5 Home Remedies for Toothache

Some natural remedies have been used since ancient times as supplements to calm the toothache. How effective are they? How should they be used? Here we detail it.
Toothache is a common discomfort that is described as severe, dull and throbbing pain, which can increase with certain stimuli such as cold or heat. Initially, even if it is mild, it should be checked by a dentist, as it may be associated with certain oral diseases.

In fact, the first line of treatment of this condition includes analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs and, in case of infection, antibiotics. Also, depending on their cause, the professional may suggest other types of interventions such as a root canal.

Now, there are a number of natural remedies that have been used to promote relief of this symptom while seeking professional help. Many have even been used as adjuvants in cases that are not very serious.

5 Home Remedies for Toothache

Natural remedies to soothe toothache

1. Clove

Clove is perhaps the most used natural remedy for toothache and its smell is usually associated with the dentist's office, since its essential oil, eugenol, is used in the formulation of the material used to fill the tooth. This is because a few years ago it was discovered that clove oil has excellent bactericidal and analgesic properties that help relieve toothache.

For this reason cloves are an excellent option to relieve pain at home, especially because it is relatively easy to find and a cheap option. The technique is quite simple, just lightly crush a clove and place it next to the sore tooth.

Alternatively clove essential oil can also be used. Take 1 drop of essential oil on a small piece of cotton and place it next to the tooth. However, the cotton should not be left for more than 2 minutes, since the essential oil can cause burning in the gums if used for a long time.

2. Garlic

Garlic is another of the most used options and, although it is not the most pleasant due to its intense flavor, it has several properties that help to combat pain quickly.

To use garlic you must cut a garlic clove in half and apply it with the cut part directly against the gum of the affected tooth, or place the garlic clove on the aching tooth and chew the garlic. In the end, to eliminate the smell of garlic you can brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

3. Warm salt water

Warm salt water is an excellent natural antiseptic and easy to prepare at home, and can be used when a tooth infection is suspected. For this, it is recommended to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of boiled water and then gargle with small sips for at least about 30 seconds.

This mixture is also used to combat a sore throat and is recommended by doctors as a way to complement medical treatment.

4. Mint

The essential oil gathered from mint leaves is another effective antiseptic with anti-inflammatory properties. This oil can be used to alleviate toothache. Moreover, its refreshing flavor makes it an excellent option to be used in children with more than 5 years.

To use mint correctly, it is recommended to place 1 teaspoon of mint leaves in 1 cup of boiled water, letting the infusion stand for 20 minutes. Then gargle with the solution for 30 seconds and 3 times a day.

5. Marcela tea

A good home remedy for toothache is to rinse with marcela tea and propolis, as it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties that can quickly relieve pain.

  • 2 tablespoons dried marcela leaves;
  • 30 drops of propolis extract;
  • 1 liter of water.
Preparation Mode

Place the dried marcela leaves and water in a pot and boil for approximately 5 minutes, counting from the moment the water boils. Cover the pot and wait until it is warm, strain the tea and add the propolis, mixing well.

Photo by Harry Cunningham @harry.digital from Pexels

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