6 Ways to Clear a Stuffy Nose: Tricks that do Work

To unclog the nose there are a number of home remedies that work quickly and easily. End nasal congestion once and for all!
In both winter and summer, different factors can cause nasal congestion. It is something extremely annoying, that's why we are sharing some natural and homemade tips so that you can put them into practice when your stuffy nose does not let you sleep.

6 Ways to Clear a Stuffy Nose: Tricks that do Work

How to unclog the nose fast: best methods

There are stuffy nose remedies that work very well, and the best thing is that no pharmacy products are required to relieve a stuffy nose:

Use a humidifier

The humidity in the environment is very necessary so that the nose is not blocked. If this is less than 40%, it is likely that the mucous membrane of the nose dries and can obstruct breathing, so it is convenient to have humidifiers in our home to always have a perfect humidification.

Take a hot shower

The steam from the shower is also a great way to fight against a stuffy nose, giving us a good bath or a shower of very hot water, which will easily decongest the nostrils.

Apply a warm napkin

Warming the nose is also a good home remedy, with a warm napkin that can be microwaved. To decongest the nose we heat the napkin so that it has a not very hot and pleasant temperature, and we apply it on the nose.

Staying hydrated

This is vital because the liquid will reduce the mucus and also facilitate its expulsion. The extra water in your body will prevent nasal blockages or irritated ducts. You can also take soup or tea.

Eat spicy foods

Eating spicy food helps a lot to decongest the nose. We can season foods and eat them, with all the spiciness that we can endure. The spicy helps to soften the mucus from the nostrils, as they come out more easily.

Increase vitamin C intake

Diet can also help alleviate stuffy nose symptoms. Include foods rich in vitamin C, such as orange, lime and you will notice the improvement.

Always know when you need to see a doctor, but for a stuffy nose, you no longer have to suffer. With these 6 home remedies, you may be able to find relief quickly.

Photo by Spencer Backman on Unsplash

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