5 Types of Teas for Fast and Natural Weight Loss

When you want to lose weight, it is not necessary to resort to pills or medications. You have everything you need to be able to lose weight naturally at home. Tea is perhaps one of the best to choose from.

Weight loss teas are an excellent homemade and natural option to complement a balanced diet, not only for those who intend to lose weight, but also for those who intend to lose belly fat.

5 types of teas for fast and natural weight loss

Some options to complement the diet are ginger tea with pineapple, mate tea with lemon or green tea with blackberries, as they help to reduce fluid retention, satiate appetite and increase metabolism, thus burning more calories and body fat.

Another good strategy is to add a pinch of red pepper to tea, since this is a thermogenic food that helps increase metabolism, favoring the decrease in accumulated fat in the body.

Let us see in detail how to prepare the 5 types of teas that you may try to lose some extra fats:

1. Ginger tea with pineapple

Ginger tea with pineapple is excellent for weight loss, as it increases the metabolism, helping the body to burn more calories, produces a feeling of satiety and helps to improve intestinal functioning, since it is rich in fibers.

  • 1 half pineapple pulp;
  • 1 orange pulp;
  • 1 tablespoon of carqueja;
  • 1 tbsp ginger

Preparation Mode:

Add the pineapple and orange pulps and the tablespoon of ginger to 1 liter of water and boil for 3 minutes. After boiling, turn off the heat and add the spoonful of carqueja. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes, it must be strained before drinking.

It must be taken throughout the day between meals, and to achieve better results it is recommended to make a healthy diet and physical activity regularly.


Ginger should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, without a doctor's advice.

2. Green Tea with blackberries

Green tea with blackberries is good for weight loss, as it helps to decrease appetite, increases metabolism by burning more energy and calories, and helps to improve fluid retention, thanks to its diuretic properties.

  • 1 teaspoon dried blackberry leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon of dried green tea leaves.
Preparation Mode:

In 150 ml of boiled water add the dried blackberry leaves and green tea leaves. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes, it must be strained before drinking.
This tea should be taken before the main meals such as lunch and dinner, for 2 to 3 weeks.

3. Jamaican Tea with Cinnamon

Hibiscus tea or better known as Jamaican water is good for weight loss, since it helps with fluid retention by deflating the body for its diuretic action, increases metabolism by burning more calories. And in addition to these, it helps for better digestion by having cinnamon in its composition.

  • 1 tablespoon dried hibiscus;
  • 1 tablespoon horsetail leaves;
  • 1 cinnamon stick

Preparation Mode:

To a liter of boiling water add the dried leaves of hibiscus and horsetail with the cinnamon stick, let stand for 10 minutes. Strain before drinking.
This tea should be taken 3 to 4 times a day, half an hour before the main meals.

4. Mate tea with lemon

The mate tea with lemon helps to lose weight, since it increases the feeling of satiety and increases the metabolism favoring to burn more calories.

  • 1 or 2 tablespoons of matte tea;
  • 1/2 squeezed lemon
Preparation Mode:

In a cup of tea, place the dried leaves of the matte tea and half a lemon, then add 150 ml of boiled water. Cover and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.


Mate tea for contains caffeine, it should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. In addition to this, it should not be used by patients with heart disease, peptic ulcers or with gastroesophageal reflux.

5. Fenugreek Tea with Artichoke

Fenugreek tea with artichoke helps in weight loss, as it generates a greater sensation of fullness and relieves constipation, thanks to its fiber content. Another benefit is that it increases the metabolism by helping to burn fat and in turn, by the diuretic action, it helps to  improve fluid retention.

  • 1/2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds powder;
  • 1 teaspoon dried artichoke leaves.
Preparation Mode:

In a cup of tea, add the fenugreek powder seeds, a pinch of pepper and dried artichoke leaves and then add 150 ml of boiling water. Let it for stand 10 minutes and strain before drinking.
This tea should be taken 3 times per day between meals.


Fenugreek and artichoke tea should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, or by children who have not reached puberty.

5 Habits that Affect Your Healthy Lifestyle

If you don't get these habits out of your life, it will be very difficult for you to lead a healthy life.

You are always struggling hard to keep in shape and remain healthy at the same time. However, your goal seems far from being achieved. So what really happens? Well, the answer is deceptively simple: there are 5 habits that are the worst when it comes to maintaining a healthy life. When you fail to avoid them you not only gain unexpected fat but also experience bad health. To sustain a healthy lifestyle the following habits must be eliminated:

1. Smoking

Beyond increasing the chances of getting cancer, the damage they cause to the entire respiratory system (including the heart, skin and brain) is terrible. It also reduces your lungs’ capacity, so you have less resistance when practicing any sport.

2. Drink too much

When the drinking is no longer casual, the negative effects generated in the body are accentuated. Alcohol leads the body to a state of dehydration that can end in acute pancreatitis, cirrhosis or even affect the heart rhythm. As if that were not enough, alcohol also affects your metabolism causing it to slow down, which increases fat absorption.

3. Eat improperly

This includes skipping meals, eating to bursting or doing it very fast, not eating a balanced diet, not consuming enough, and even eating at different times. Eating improperly could be one of the main reasons for obesity in many cases. Learn to keep a healthy eating routine. Set an alarm that reminds you to eat at your time, measure your meals, and keep track of your macronutrient.

4. Do not get enough sleep

Lack of sleep increases the risk of suffering a stroke, diabetes, a heart attack and hypertension (among other heart problems). It also increases appetite, deregulates the hormonal processes of the body, deteriorates bones and affects memory. There are studies that ensure that those who sleep less than 7 hours have a shorter life expectancy.

5. Not drinking enough water

Joint pains, migraine, hypertension, kidney problems and even obesity can be caused by lack of water in the body. Lack of hydration slows down your metabolism.

6 Strategies to Lose Weight without Extreme Dieting

The best way to achieve a healthy and stable weight is to improve the diet without tending towards restrictive diets. In this way, not only obesity is fought, but the quality of life is enhanced.
Do you hate being on a diet? You may be surprised to learn that restrictive diets are not suitable for losing weight or maintaining a stable weight in the long term. For experts, it is only a short-term initiative.

6 Strategies to Lose Weight without Extreme Dieting

Do restrictive diets serve to lose weight?

Surely many have made one of these diets or have met someone who has done it. The impressions are similar: at first you see that you lose weight, but soon you begin to notice anxiety, since there are many restrictions. Ultimately, you end up leaving the diet because it is too complicated to follow.

Why does this happen?

In the first phase, we are very motivated and we find it easier to follow, in addition to the caloric deficit, we see that the weight is lost quickly. But in the process we have several prohibited foods according to the type of “miracle” diet we are carrying out.

These diets can cause us nutritional deficiencies that can severely damage your health. In addition, on a psychological level, they can increase our level of anxiety, lack of concentration, mood swing, depression, etc. All these symptoms can push us to an eating disorder.

When we are already immersed in all these physical and psychological symptoms we find it increasingly difficult to follow the diet, with the frustration that this generates. There is also the subsequent rebound effect; as soon as we cease following the diet, we will begin to recover the lost kilos and even more than before.

Weight loss tips without restrictive diets

We recommend other ways to lose weight that have nothing to do with an extreme diet. Are you ready to try these options? Remember that constancy is the key to achieve the desired results.

1. Drink enough water

While it seems like an exaggeration, it's totally true. Water is completely healthy for our body. Believe it or not, drinking water correctly can also help you lose weight.

Water helps you eliminate toxins, keeps you hydrated and energized. This can prevent you from eating foods high in sugar to keep you awake. Water will fulfill this function. In addition, it will help you to stay satiated for longer. This will prevent you from overeating or more than you should.

2. Sleep well

Experts recommend us to sleep between 6 and 8 hours to have a good performance in our activities and to sustain a good health. Sleeping properly and the right time will make you feel relatively better. For starters, you will feel less stressed and have much more energy.

According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, restricting sleep can cause metabolism problems and eventually cause us to gain weight .

3. Forget the car and walk

In these days, it is very common to catch a car to reach the destination. We know it is quite comfortable, but it can interfere with your purpose of losing weight. In addition to being harmful to the environment, it prevents us from performing one of the best exercises, i.e., walking.

Remember, walking is a great way to stay active and lose weight. So you can try walking to reach short-distance destinations.

4. Say goodbye to stress

Believe it or not, stress is harmful to your health and this will also end up contributing to your weight gain. It is best to identify what causes that anxiety. Identify and eliminate everything that creates stress in your daily life.

Stress can be the trigger of many diseases and it is better to stop it in time. To relax, you can practice meditation exercises or some other relaxing activity.

5. Identify unhealthy foods

It is not about making a restrictive diet, but about identifying those foods that could cause you to gain weight. The goal is to eliminate them little by little from your life. Soda, fried foods and all those foods with saturated fats are the worst for your body. They do not provide any nutritional value and can harm your health.

6. Cook at home to avoid restrictive diets

Although it is hard to believe, cooking your own food can make a huge difference. Eating in the street or restaurant prevents you from knowing all the ingredients that your food carries. You also do not know the amount of fat with which it is prepared and if the food is of the best quality. Preparing your food will help you know what is best for your health.

In conclusion, it is possible to lose weight without doing restrictive diets. Only a healthy lifestyle can ensure us safe and permanent results.

5 High-calorie Foods that Help You to Lose Weight

Believe it or not, these calorie-rich foods will help you to lose weight. Just grab these 5 foods and see the difference in your body.

Although we have spent decades believing that fats are bad for health, the truth is that there are some foods rich in healthy fats that are great sources for losing weight. Let us become familiar with the 5 high-calorie foods that, contrary to what you believe, will help you lose weight.

5 High-calorie Foods that Help You to Lose Weight

1. Walnuts

The poor nuts have been demonized by their reputation for fattening food but they are a very healthy way to help you to control, even lose, those extra pounds. The consumption of walnuts decease the production of the hunger hormone (ghrelin) and they are heart-healthy and thanks to their omega 3 fatty acid content.

They raise levels of the hormone of happiness (serotonin), help control blood sugar levels and are rich in antioxidants. They are a great source of fiber so they contribute towards the elimination of waste substances from the body. Ideally, take them moderately, about 30 grams of nuts a day.

2. Avocado

It is the healthiest and the trendiest fruit. Avocado is an instance of healthy eating; you should include it in your diet without hesitation if you want to lose weight. Of course, consume it in a moderate way because, being a very caloric food, an excess consumption can make you fat.

If you take it in moderation, the avocado is loaded with essential fatty acids that will accelerate the metabolism and fat burning. It is also very versatile and you can include it in salads, make guacamole, or avocado aioli.

3. Olive oil

A liquid gold, one of the healthiest and most nutritious oils that brings a unique touch in the kitchen. It is true that it has high calories, but, if you do not abuse olive oil, its healthy fats can help you control your weight effectively.

Olive oil is satiating and helps reduce appetite. Do not deprive yourself of a trickle of liquid gold to take advantage of its antioxidant properties. Moreover, enjoy a unique flavor in addition to being a food rich in healthy fats that your body needs to burn accumulated fat.

4. Salmon

Yes, salmon is a fatty fish that has many calories, but like the rest of the foods in this list, it is a source of healthy fats that will help you control and lose weight, as long as you do not consume it excessively.

It is antioxidant, heart healthy, helps to regulate cholesterol and has a very high nutritional value. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids, a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient that contributes to cell regeneration and healthy and beautiful skin and hair. We recommend that you cook it steamed or baked because when it is fried, it loses the nutritional properties.

5. Dark Chocolate

If you are on a diet you can of course eat chocolate, and yes, that will help you to reduce some extra pounds. According to science, it would be the catechins (antioxidants) present in chocolate that are responsible for their slimming power.

Dark chocolate improves insulin resistance, reduces appetite and its intake is also very effective in fighting food anxiety. It is quite a tempting food, but you have to take in small doses to benefit from all its properties.

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Easy Steps

Loosing weight is tiresome when you are not in the right track. But sticking to a scientific method can help you achieving the same goal in a faster, easier, and reliable way.
How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Easy Steps

For many people, losing weight becomes a daily struggle that engenders stress, worry, and above all, frustration. But losing those extra pounds can be a simple task if you bring some minor changes in your everyday routine.

In the following discussion we will show you how to lose weight at home in three simple science-based steps. The process is all natural and it will help you to reduce appetite and lose weight fast without starving.

1. Eat less sugar and carbohydrates

By reducing the consumption of this food group, your body will begin to use stored fat for energy. In addition, eating fewer carbohydrates reduces insulin levels, something that helps the kidneys to get rid of sodium and water from the body.

2. Add more proteins, vegetables, and fats on your plate

Include these food groups in each of your heavy meals of the day. The high consumption of these foods reduces the appetite and replicates the feeling of fullness in the stomach.

As proteins, you can choose lean meat, seafood, fish and whole eggs.

As for vegetables, choose those that have fewer carbohydrates, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lettuce and cucumber.

As sources of healthy fat you can opt avocado oil, olive oil and butter.

3. Lift weights three times in a week

Exercising at least three times in a week is highly recommended to speed up weight loss. The best option is weight lifting exercises, because that will help you to burn lots of calories and keep your metabolism active and accelerated. In case you can't lift weights, you can also try exercises such as, swimming, walking, jogging, running or cycling.